Title: The Romantic Fantasy (Angkor Wat – Ta Prohm)
Inspiration: My incredible travel experience to Cambodia and visit to Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm, inspired me to create this romantic fantasy.
Size: 75 x 60 cm
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Framed: No
Price: Upon Request (Kindly msg me if interested)
An Art inspired Poem:
Angkor Wat the Majestic
With architecture so aesthetic
Proud he stands with his five towers so high
With his reflection so perfect to anyone’s eye
One day he learns about the lady gorgeous
Ta Prohm, not too far away from his fortress
Stories of her dazzling locks of golden roots
Which she grows long and lets it loose
Have travelled far and wide
With admirers flocking outside
He couldn’t wait any longer
For his desire to meet her grew stronger
He dropped his veil and in front he stood
His gaze met hers and she understood
A first kiss so passionate, the moment immortalized
When Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm fell in love at first sight!!!!